The Best Bed on Earth!

The Floating Bed ®

The Bed of Your Dreams

Shop Floating Beds

Are you interested in:

- A Beautiful Exotic Bed!

- Improved Health, Wellness, & Longevity

- Deeper Relaxation, & Better Sleep

- Outdoor Living / Outdoor Bedroom

- Special Needs Kids wellbeing

  • Adjustable Firmness Underlayment

  • Soft or firm, it's like floating on a cloud (shown without mattress)

Adjustable Firmness Underlayment

Soft or firm, it's like floating on a cloud (shown without mattress)

The Best Bed for Better Sleep

The Floating Bed® is an advanced hanging bed. It’s gentle rocking provides better sleep, health benefits & the happy feeling of floating. It features a memory foam mattress (other options available), a flat sleep surface and adjustable firmness. It’s durable & weather proof, rated to hold 1000 lbs.


The floating bed always sends me into a deep, calm slumber. I miss it when I am away, and always look forward to its gentle rocking when I return home."

Woody Harrelson, Actor and Health Advocate

The floating bed is dream of both parents & kids. It's instant child care! Now when we have a party the adults can actually have time together. The kids will stay on the bed the whole party. It's strong too-indestructable.

Grace S., Northern California

The floating bed enhances my whole house. It's sculptural beauty is actually surpassed by the joy of relaxing in it. I use it every day and all of my friends make a path to the bed practically before saying hello when they come to visit me.

Teodora W., Sophia, Bulgaria


Floating Bed Company

Phone :  641-472-6651

52 N. Third Street Fairfield, Iowa 52556

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